GEG is not scrapped permanently, Health Minister insists

The Generational End Game (GEG) provisions in the amended version of the Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Bill that was tabled for first reading today has not been scrapped permanently, insisted Health Minister Dr Zaliha Mustafa.

“If we feel there is a need to look at it again… If there is a need for the GEG in the future… We might bring it back then,” she said.

“I’m not setting a time frame, but we shouldn’t just forget about it (GEG). We are (just) putting it aside for now and focusing on the priority (passing the bill),” she is reported, as saying.

She also reiterated Attorney-General Ahmad Datuk Terrirudin Salleh’s point of contention that the provisions were unconstitutional.

Earlier today the bill was tabled for first reading in Dewan Rakyat.

The second reading of the bill would be held tomorrow.