China calls for larger scale international peace conference on Gaza

China has called for a larger scale, effective international peace conference and a concrete timetable that would make the two state solution for Israel and Palestine a reality.

The call for this measure was made by China Foreign Minister Wang Yi as Israel continues its military operation in Gaza following the surprise attack by Hamas on 7 Oct.

Wang made the call while speaking to the media after talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry in Cairo.

Wang had already had talks with the secretary general of the Arab League.

He said the infrastructure of the Gaza Strip has been completely destroyed, with millions struggling to survive. Hence, China has decided to provide a third tranche of emergency humanitarian assistance.

The Chinese statesman also said the international community should listen carefully to the legitimate concerns of countries in the region, “and the future governance of Gaza should be an important step towards the two-state solution”.

Wang who discussed the matter separately with Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit were unanimous in their call to the international community to take measures that would de-escalate the current situation that can lead to a ceasefire.

“Influential countries, in particular, need to play an objective, impartial and constructive role in this regard,” the two said according to a joint statement reported by China’s Xinhua news late yesterday.

Both emphasised that the two-state solution remains the basis “for any future arrangements concerning the destiny of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem”.