Place MACC under Parliament, says ex-MACC man

Former Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission special operations director Datuk Bahri Mohamad Zin has called for the MACC to be placed directly under the parliament so as to nip accusations that the agency is used as a political tool.

“It is still not too late for Malaysia to empower the commission by setting it free from having to come under any government agency or entity,” he said, Malaysiakini reported.

“The best place to park MACC is under the Parliament, which can provide check and balance, ensure that MACC does not practice double standards, supervise its effectiveness and clear any negative perception.

“However, this can only be realised if all parties are willing to do it and want to see MACC function independently without fear or favour,” he said.

Bahri who was involved in investigating former premier Datuk Seri Najib Razak opted for early retirement in 2015 and returned to the agency 2018.

He said that the negative perception on the agency persists due to sentiments played by the opposition.

“All these accusations against MACC – that it is unfair, biased, and being ordered by country leaders to only target certain people – are untrue.

“However, this is also the result of MACC’s own failure to explain the truth to the rakyat – that many cases they have built and backed by strong evidence could not be prosecuted… not because they are cowards or whatsoever, but the question is, can they press charges without receiving a green light from the deputy public prosecutor?” he said.

Prosecutor’s office decision

He revealed many probes by the MACC did not end up in court because the prosecutor’s office did not proceed with charging the suspect but the MACC had not been able to explain this.

“But has MACC explained this to the people? This is what has happened many times. Why was MACC unable to reveal this situation?

“Because MACC cannot speak on behalf of the prosecution office, which might have factors other than evidence in their decision making.

“This is the curse that MACC had to live with for many years. So, I hope that all MPs can consider giving MACC a spot in the Parliament, so it can answer all questions,” Bahri added.