Make bird nests, durians national heritage dish

Malaysia Bird’s Nest Association president Beh Kew Hok suggested that bird nests and durians be listed as national heritage dish.

“The bird nests and durians are treasures of Malaysia. Both have a special place in the hearts of the people, everybody loves them regardless of race.

He also called upon the relevant ministries to make bird nests and durians national heritage dish.

Recently a total of 10 dishes made it as national heritage dish but controversy sparked off with the inclusion of bak kut teh.

He suggested that the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and the Ministry of Finance discuss the matter with China’s General Administration of Customs so taxes can be waived on these products.

A tax waiver would encourage more tourists to come to Malaysia, that way more tourists will come to Malaysia which will benefit the country,” he said.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Security Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup acknowledged that Malaysia is one of the leading bird nests exporters, reported China Press.

“It is imperative to harness this momentum and seize the untapped potential within China,” he said.