Xin Jian Chang Sdn Bhd ceases operation

KK Mart’s vendor – Xin Jian Chang Sdn Bhd – a factory that is embroiled in the controversy surrounding the distribution of socks emblazoned with the word “Allah” has ceased its operations as of today, a day after a raid by authorities.

The closure is seen as a strategic move to mitigate tensions and prioritize the welfare of workers while addressing the ongoing situation, due to mounting pressure and calls for a public apology over socks issue.

The company claimed that it stands by its priciples: a steadfast commitment to honouring the sensitivities of the multi-religious community, promoting harmony, and strengthening quality control measures.

It also apologised to Malaysians for the current controversy.

“We sincerely apologise for the incident that has caused unrest among the community,”

All these were stated on a white banner.

In a coordinated effort, police personnel from the Johor police headquarters and the Batu Pahat district headquarters executed a raid and inspection yesterday.

The company too had received threats that its factory would be burnt down.

ALSO READ: KK Mart controversy hogs Chinese dailies