Drugs ops camouflaged as kindergarten busted

Drug dealers camouflaged their drugs operations centre as a kindergarten to evade the authorities.

However they ran out of luck as police arrested the suspect and seized drug tea packs worth RM1080 in Taman Dagang Jaya, Ampang.

The suspect was earlier detained in Cheras, reported Guang Ming Daily.

Home Minister Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail’s announcement that the cabinet decided to drop two proposed amendments from his ministry is the headlines in Sin Chew Daily.

The proposed amendments to the Federal Constitution is regarding the citizenship of foundlings, Sin Chew Daily headlined.

The sentencing of one Chiok Wai Looi who was found guilty of posting sensitive post regarding the socks with Allah word was the headlines in China Press. He was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment and RM12,000 in fine.

Nanyang Press led with Malaysia declining to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games.


Nanyang Daily called upon the faithful to practice love, kindness and tolerance. It also said that they should treat others well if they truly believed in God. It further reminded everuone to practice peace and kindness and propel Malaysia forward.

READ ALSO: RM500,000 in a suitcase found