Aunty Bersih passed away

Annie Ooi, popularly known as Aunty Bersih passed away at the age of 78 in Australia.

The former Convent Datuk Keramat English language teacher from Penang became famous for her participation in Bersih rallies in the mid 2000s.

She was also detained during the rally.

Her participation despite being a senior citizen made her a symbol for protestors.

Bersih is also saddened by her passing.

“The iconic image of Aunty Bersih dressed in a bright yellow T-shirt and holding white chrysanthemums, drenched with chemical-laced water outside the Tung Shin Hospital, became the defining image of the Bersih 2 rally.

“She represented thousands, if not millions, of ordinary Malaysian citizens who care about our nation enough to speak up and do something when things are not right.

“Deepest condolences to her family. She is an icon who will not be forgotten. Rest in peace, Aunty Bersih,” said the post by Bersih.

She was admitted to the ICU on March 24. Her condition deteriorated yesterday evening and the life support was taken off.

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