Impose temporary license freeze on pawnbrokers

Malaysia Pawnbrokers Association called upon the government to impose a temporary freeze on new licenses and amend the Pawnbrokers Act 1972 so that the market can be restructured along with a healthier operation environment, reported Nanyang Daily.

A 69 year old vegetable farmer in Cameron Highland fell victim to an inheritance of foreign fortune scam and lost his life savings of RM 958,088, led China Press.

Anti-Money Laundering Criminal Investigation Division head Datuk Mohammed Hasbullah Ali said some domestic NGOs with fake reputations of doing good deeds are pocketing charity funds for themselves. He added that these actions are akin to laundering dirty money for criminal groups, Sin Chew Daily headlined.

Kwong Wah Yit Poh Daily led with the double celebration of Aidilfitri and Thailand’s Songkran festival leading to heavy traffic at Bukit Kayu Hitam border checkpoint.

In the past three there has been a significant increase in sexual assaults against underage girls. It is believed that most cases are get initiated via social media platforms, said Bukit Aman’s Sexual, Women and Child Investigation Division (D11) principal assistant director SAC Siti Kamsiah Hassan, Guang Ming Daily headlined.


Though gold prices was low, the rise in global conflicts has raised its prices. Market analysts believe it can go up as high as USD3000 per ounce.

The appeal towards gold in Malaysia can also be attributed to the declining value of Ringgit, said Nanyang Daily.

Sin Chew Daily meanwhile expressed hope that this Aidilfitri would be positive time to strengthen interethnic relations that worsened recently.

It added that efforts needs to be made at grassroot level foster relationships between different communities even though politicians strive on splitting the society.

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