Two tools to control children’s social media access

A Perak state lawmaker has suggested that parents should be using two vital tools in controlling social media access for children under the age of 13.

The two are Google Family Link and Apple Screen Time.

“Google Family Link offers robust parental controls for Android devices. Parents can set screen time limits, approve or block apps and even track their child’s locations.

“It is a comprehensive solution for managing digital wellbeing,” said Buntong state assemblyman Thulsi Manogaran on X.

Communication Minister Fahmi Fadzil recently advised the Malaysian public against allowing children under the age of 13 from using social media platforms.

TikTok and Instagram are very popular social media platforms. By comparison Facebook, Twitter and Threads are trailing not too far away.

Thulsi said Google Family Link empowers parents to guide their children’s digital habits.

This is because parents would be able to review their children’s app activity, set bed time schedule to limit device use at night and remotely lock the device.

Apple Screen Time provides similar features for iOS devices.

“It is about fostering a healthy balance between online and offline activities.

Beyond the apps, she stressed the importance of parents having open communication with their children.

“Talk to your kids about the importance of privacy, cyber bullying and responsible online behaviour.

“Managing social media access for kids under 13 requires a combination of parental controls, communication and education,” said the DAP lawmaker.

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