Combatting fake news: MCMC, Meta developing WhatsApp chatbot feature

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission is cooperating with Meta on a chatbot feature that would be included on WhatsApp to combat the spread of fake news.

This would enable WhatsApp users to verify news and information shared on the platform through the chatbot that is reachable via a contact number.

Communication Minister Fahmi Fadzil hoped that the feature will be available in the main local languages can be introduced by the end of this month.

“I tested the feature yesterday and asked whether (the government) had issued a casino licence in Johor.

“In less than a minute, it replied that the claim was false based on media reports,” Fahmi said after officiating the Network and Infrastructure Partnership Framework soft launch here today.

He added that the initiative involved NGOs as well as Bernama.

“They have very high standards, so we will use the fact-checking team and the reports they produce to respond (to queries).”

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