Soya’s breakup revelation: Inside story exposed

Malaysian YouTuber Soya Plan, also known as Shui Xu Xuan (name transliterated), publicly shared the details of her breakup with her Taiwanese YouTuber boyfriend René in a YouTube video.

Soya uploaded a video on YouTube last night, explaining that after returning from a trip to Australia, she noticed something was off with Rene’s behaviour towards her.

“A week after I returned from my trip to Australia on March 17th, for that entire week, his attitude towards me was very strange. I can’t quite pinpoint what was off; I just felt a weird vibe going on” she said. 

She said she also had a dream about Rene leaving her. The dream prompted her to check his phone, something she typically wouldn’t do as she trusted and respected him.

Soya disclosed that she found messages and photos of Super Strong with another woman. After confronting him and calming down, he moved out of their home.

She admitted in the video that throughout this relationship, she was the one constantly giving love, while René habitually received it without reciprocating.

“At that time, I was deeply entangled in an unhealthy relationship, but I was unaware of it. It wasn’t until now, looking back, that I realized the person I was back then had already fallen apart,” she said. 

“When we parted ways, we embraced each other, bid a complete farewell. I even told him ‘I don’t blame you’…,” she said.

“I lost 3 kilograms that week, had no appetite at all… You can feel your heart pounding against your chest, it hurts so much… That week was really painful.”

“For those who have experienced being cheated on, you’ll know what I’m talking about. It’s like a cliff-edge breakup, extremely painful.”

“I remember the day he left, our home felt so empty with just me there. I woke up and went to sleep crying every day, and the house felt so empty,” she said. 

The news of their breakup in April surprised many, especially considering they were together for four years. 

Fans initially believed the breakup between René and Soya was amicable until a post on the social platform Dcard on May 27 alleged René cheated on Soya. 

On 3 June, René addressed the rumors in a YouTube video, admitting to cheating with a “short-haired woman,” leading to their split in April. 

The woman turned out to be Taiwanese internet influencer Shih Ching. She shared her side on Instagram, apologising, but faced backlash for what seemed like a lack of remorse.

Rene was criticised even though he issued an apology.

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