Authorities told to buck up against conversion of minors

A group of activists and lawyers want Chinese Muslim convert preacher Firdaus Wong Wei Hung’s head to roll over the underhanded and unconstitutional tactics that the latter had revealed recently to convert minors in schools.

They also wanted an end to conversion of minors to the Islamic faith.

One activist Arun Dorasamy made his three point demand.

“Education Minister (MoE) Fadhlina Sidek must ban Wong and his likes from public schools so that non Muslim parents can send their children to school without worrying about their children’s well being.

“The police (PDRM) and Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC) please do your best and take action followed by charges in court.

“The Madani government must denounce these with an official statement.”

Lawyer Rajesh Nagarajan meanwhile pointed out how the recent TikTok video of Wong had actually breached Article 12(3) and 12(4) of the Federal Constitution and section 298 of the Penal Code.

Section 298 criminalises the act of hurting the sensitivity of a religious group.

“He wants to do spiritual conversion but that is illegal and unconstitutionalI. It is not your child.”

Global Human Rights Foundation head S Shashi Kumar meanwhile questioned the silence of those in power on this issue.

They were the PDRM, AGC, and MoE.

He also questioned how Yayasan Dakwah Islam Malaysia was allowed to preach in education institutions by the MoE via a documentation in 2019.

Vocal lawyer activist Siti Kasim meanwhile urged the Malay Rulers to put their foot down to stop conversion of the minors.

“I hope the sultans to do something. Don’t let them manipulate islam.”

She also described Wong as a demon.

“This is so called preacher is a demon who shame my faith. Our authorities failed to do anything.”

Earlier she explained that Guardianship of Infant Act empowers parents to decide on matters related to their children.

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