House rental and sales: Amendment, a new act to curb racial discrimination
An act and amendment is underway to curb racial discrimination in house rental and sales.
Housing and Local Government Minister Nga Kor Ming has confirmed that the Housing Development Act (Control & Licensing) 1966 would be amended to curb racial discrimination.
“We are scrutinising and improvising the act to enhance governance, ensure efficient housing development management and ensure the rights and interests of house biyers are taken cared of towards a sustainable housing sector.
“We are also drafting the Residential Tenancy Act to protect the rights and interests of tenants and home owners.
“This act would justify the rights and responsibilities of a house owner and tenant without involving elements of control over rental rates. It would also provide an easy cheap and efficient solution to disputes,” Nga said in a written reply to Sany Hamzan (PH-Hulu Langat).
Sany had asked on the ministry’s efforts to curb racial discrimination in house sales and rentals.
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