Maldives minister arrested for performing black magic

Maldives’ State Minister for Environment, Climate Change, and Energy, Fathimath Shamnaz Ali Saleem, was arrested under accusations of practising sorcery against Maldives President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu.

AFP reported that Fathimath will undergo a one-week remand to aid police in their investigations.

“There have been reports that Shamnaz was arrested for performing black magic on President Dr Mohamed Muizzu,” Maldives media, the Sun, reported.

Two other individuals involved in the incident were arrested on June 23 in the capital city of Malé.

While black magic is not considered a crime under Maldives’ penal code, it is punishable by a six-month jail term under the country’s Islamic law.

Fathimath’s arrest coincides with the United Nations’ warning that Maldives could face uninhabitability by the end of this century due to rising sea levels.

Despite Fathimath’s pivotal role in Maldives’ climate change efforts, the country’s police neither confirmed nor denied her reported arrest, offering no additional information. 

Fathimath herself has not issued any statements on the matter.