Cyberbullying continues with rape threats on TikTok

Cyberbullying continues with rape threats on live TikTok session at their intended victims

Harapan Daily viewed a recording of a live session in Tamil, hosted by an account called Kunjithe patam.

Upto 72 people were watching the live session when the cyberbullying took place.

Kunjithe patam also degraded his targeted victim and those engaging with him via comment.

“I will fornicate with your mother and sister,” he remarked as he was agitated by another user who is identified as Mia in the comments section.

“I don’t even want you. I will fornicate with your entire family.”

This was done so that Mia would face off with the host.

“Speak up, Mia. I will fornicate with your family. If you don’t have guts, go and die,” he went on.

Another user kovakaran18 egged Mia by claiming that she had no dignity left.

At this point, Mia had joined the live session.

Kunjithe patam then berated some commentators and referred to Mia as Mia Khalifa.

Mia Khalifa is a Lebanese American former pornography film actor.

The ongoing harassment prompted one user to tell them off but the bully was then targeted at this new account holder until the new user quit the session.

This ugly episode took place on Friday night even though TikTok had announced its plans to beef up live content moderation in vernacular languages.

Similar patterns can be seen in this live too. Almost all involved were using fake accounts.

Last month, Minister in Prime Minister’s Department (Law and Institutional Reforms) Datuk Azalina Othman Said confirmed that cyberbullying would be made a criminal offence via amendments to the Penal Code.