Louis Vuitton clothes are not slip of the tongue, Annuar

Umno supreme council member Datuk Puad Zarkashi has advised his former Umno buddy, Pas central committee member Tan Sri Annuar Musa to put up an act.

“Put on an act. Wear the head skull cap and an elephant brand sarong to sit. Annuar said, Pas members who accuse DAP as infidels who can be waged a war on, did so as a slip of their tongue.

“Wearing a Louis Vuitton cannot be a slip too.”

He said this in jest to Annuar who was the talk of the town this week after photos of him wearing branded LV shirt, watch and footwear went viral on social media.

He had his Louis Vuitton while giving out noodles to Orang Asli voters in Nenggiri.

Nenggiri is currently in a by-election mode where BN’s Mohd Azmawi Fikri Abdul Ghani is facing of PN’s Rizwadi Ismail on Aug 17.