Zhongyuan Festival forced to be held in enclosed space

The Kuala Terengganu Industry Workshop Association (PPBKT) was forced to hold the Zhongyuan Festival in an enclosed space this year.

The reason is that the event will feature female performers.

“We will hold the festival over two days at the rain shelter basketball court, the program including traditional rituals, performances by (female) singers, and karaoke sessions.

“We will also hire a Rela to help maintain order and ensure that only non-Muslims enter the event,” PPBKT president Xing Yi Chuan( name transliterated) said, reported Sin Chew Daily.

He stated that the event will take place at an enclosed location with a fence and an iron gate at the entrance.

The gate can be closed during the event, ensuring the venue meets the authorities’ requirements.

The event will take place on Friday, the 16th, and Saturday, the 17th.

Recently controversy arose in Terengganu when the Terengganu City Council banned female performers from the Guan Di Temple festival.

Terengganu Exco Datuk Wan Sukairi Wan Abdullah said the event violated Terengganu entertainment guidelines because it was held in a public space.

He said because the event was held in open space, Muslim men might unintentionally view the female performers at the Guan Di Temple.

According to the state guidelines, male and female performers are allowed to perform indoors or at exclusive venues for non-Muslim audiences.

In response to the controversy, Gerakan president Datuk Dominic Lau suggested that non-Muslim religious events be cordoned off with caution tape, clearly signposted, and managed by the Rela for crowd control.

DAP national chairman Lim Guan Eng said that the Terengganu government’s actions will make non-Muslims feel discriminated against.