Why didn’t PN abolish Sedition Act during its rule for 17 months?

If the government is cruel for charging PN chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin under sedition why didn’t PN abolish the act when the coalition was in power?

That is the question posed by Umno supreme council member Datuk Puad Zarkashi.

“One doesn’t need to thump Muhyiddin’s chest for not using the Sedition Act when he was home minister. He was Prime Minister for 17 months.

“(Datuk Seri) Hamzah Zainuddin himself was home minister. Why wasn’t the Sedition Act abolished?”

“Isn’t 17 months enough to do that?” Puad questioned, via Facebook.

He said this in response to accusations by Hamzah and Datuk Dr Marzuki Mohamad that the government was cruel as it used the Sedition Act against Muhyiddin.

Marzuki served as Muhyiddin’s personal chief secretary when the latter was prime minister.

Muhyiddin was recently charged under the act for questioning the wisdom of the 16th Agong in the appointment of a prime minister after the general election in 2022.