A full fledged AI-generated newspaper?

Italian newspaper Il Foglio has published an entire edition using artificial intelligence (AI).

It was a journalistic experiment that showed the impact of AI technology on journalism, said the newspaper’s editor, Claudio Cerassa, reported The Guardian.

“It will be the first daily newspaper in the world on newsstands created entirely using artificial intelligence,” said Cerasa.

“For everything. For the writing, the headlines, the quotes, the summaries. And, sometimes, even for the irony.”

He added that journalists’ roles would be limited to “asking questions [into an AI tool] and reading the answers”.

The articles were structured, straightforward and clear, with no obvious grammatical errors.

However, none of the articles published in the news pages directly quote any human beings.

The four page edition also ran a letters to editor column with the question whether AI will render humans “useless” in the future.

“AI is a great innovation, but it doesn’t yet know how to order a coffee without getting the sugar wrong,” reads the AI-generated response.