NUHSM: Strengthen education infrastructure and teacher training

National Union of Heads of Schools Malaysia (NUHSM) president Chuan Soo Cheng called for all educational institutions to make efforts to strengthen both infrastructure and teacher training.

She added that educational institutions should deeply consider how to preserve and uphold Chinese education.

The union was established on May 4, 1963, and since its establishment, it has also been instrumental in organizing training courses, seminars, and facilitating the exchange of school management experiences to enhance members’ knowledge and capabilities in management.

Principals and vice-principals from all schools in the Peninsula Malaysia can join the union. 

She also said that Chinese education must evolve with the times.

“Through a shared mission and goals, we need to promote and preserve Chinese culture, provide high-quality multilingual education, and foster the holistic development of students,” she said, reported China Press. 

She quoted the late Chinese educationist Datuk Sim Mow Yu, saying, “Education is the foundation of a country and the future of a nation.” 

She hoped that leaders of independent Chinese secondary schools, Chinese high schools, and Chinese primary schools would strengthen communication and cooperation to contribute to the continued development of Chinese education.