Budget 2025 would be more than RM400 billion, says MAICCI

Budget 2025 would be more than RM400 billion, said Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MAICCI) deputy president Datuk Dr AT Kumararajah.

“It is (Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim’s third budget that would be tabled on the 18th.

“It is the first budget to pass RM400 billion. The last one was RM393 billion. Take the year 2020. We started with RM297 billion. Now we are at 393 billion. Annually we have (an increase of) three to five percent.

“The biggest jump was when PMX came into power and the (budget) figure moved from RM388 billion to RM393 billion. It is a 14 percent jump.

“Now, raise it by 1.5 percent also it would be RM400 billion,” said Kumararajah in the Sana Sini podcast co-hosted by Senator Datuk C Sivaraj and Professor Datuk Dr P Sivamurugan that went on air last night.

They were discussing on the topic of Budget 2025: What is in it for the Indians?

He also pointed out that the capital expenditure ratio to operation expenditure ratio would be more less the same as the previous budget which was 23% to 77%.

The significance, highlights of Budget 2025

He also pointed out what Budget 2025 would entail under Anwar.

“Take the SMEs, it was about RM45 billion. Numbers has to be the same. This year too it will be about 45 billion for SMEs.

“There would be more allocation for ESG (environment, social and governance), green financing and sustainability. Things like that would probably be more prominent this time around.

“True to his style he would talk about integrity, governance, taking out leakage and wastage, ending poverty. These are the words you would find in this budget.”

Kumararajah also pointed out the significance of Budget 2025 in light of the upcoming 13th Malaysia Plan.

“There is a five year plan. We need to look at 12th Malaysia plan that is finishing next year.

“The 2025 Budget would be an opening statement to the 13th Malaysia Plan.

“It will be a continuation of Madani Economic narrative, National Industrial Master Plan, national investment aspirations and National Economic Transition Roadmap. Continuity in policy direction will be there.”

NEXT: What is in Budget 2025 for Indians?

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