Hold Her Hands to raise awareness for young girls
In an effort to raise awareness of young girls on puberty change and health issues, Buntong assembly woman Thulsi Thivani Manogaran unveiled the Hold Her Hands program on 11 March in conjunction with International Women’s Day.
“We need to guide them, I see them as my little sisters. I want to create a safe platform for them to ask questions related to changes they go through during puberty, as the changes will influence their mental and physical state.
“They keep their questions to themselves and don’t ask about these matters, because they don’t know how to manage this. They face monthly pain, missing school and unable to do normal activities.
“How can they manage this? They need to start good habits now, by eating nutritious food, and learn how to incorporate these habits into their lifestyle,” said the DAP lawmaker via Instagram Reels and TikTok last night.
The program was done at SMK Seri Puteri.
In the post, she revealed that one Dr. Subashini from Buntong Health Clinic and a nutrition expert, only known as Dr Roopini, from Greentown Health Clinic held an interactive session with 440 students.
“Over 400 students participated, and all teachers attended. It was a fun and informative program,” she said.
She informed that this effort is a pilot program and more programs for young girls in schools would be implemented.
“For me, our girls are our future,” she said.
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