Is Namewee dead for real?

Controversial local rapper and film maker, Namewee announced his death via his social media accounts today.

He posted a black and white photo with the caption “1983-2024” on his social media account this morning. He also announced the setting up of his wake and farewell ceremony at Nirvana Memorial Hall, 3rd floor in Kuala Lumpur.

Nirvana Group confirmed that Namewee did reserve the hall slot for tonight, but details about the farewell ceremony had to be confirmed with their family or agent, Sin Chew Entertainment reported.

Namewee’s agent did not respond to Sin Chew Entertainment’s queries on the matter.

The official Facebook post declined floral wreaths, baskets, cash donations, and condolence message advertisements, while also refusing media interviews, and requesting understanding from all parties.

Many netizens remain sceptical of his death, as today is April Fool’s Day.

“I believe nothing on April 1st,” Facebook user Liu Yu Chen (name transliterate) said.

“Hiyaaa!! April Fools Day! Scared me!” Leonarda Da Silva Chung wrote.

“Don’t play this kind of joke,” said one Facebook user Zhuo Ru Ru (name transliterate).

April Fool’s Day is a day when people typically play pranks and jokes.

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