Ocean Infinity’s search for MH370 needs government approval

A proposal by marine robotics company Ocean Infinity to resume the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 would need to get a green light from the government before it is executed.

The ill fated flight with 239 passengers and crew went missing en route to Beijing 10 years ago on 8 March 2014.

Transport Minister Anthony Loke confirmed the proposal is being studied since Ocean Infinity have already submitted a proposal paper along with evidence and information for the perusal of agencies under his ministry.

He said the whole process including cabinet approval would take about three months.

“If all goes well, they have expressed their readiness to start the search mission in November… (However) we need cabinet approval because I can’t preempt the cabinet.

“… we need to further discuss the information provided and there must be an agreement because this involves financial implications if the aircraft is found,” he said at a press conference after inaugurating the ECRL Career Carnival.

The company has proposed the search to be carried out on a ‘No Find No Fee’ basis.

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