Another backbencher ayes hotline for non-Muslim faiths

A backbencher has supported calls for the national unity ministry to have a hotline for non-Muslim faiths, that would function similar to the hotline created in Jakim.

“Of course I would support it. It augurs well with Madani government,” said Jelutong MP RSN Rayer.

“The ministry would be able to go down to the ground to investigate the matter and it can rope in the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission to probe the issue if necessary.

“It also would enable to unite the people against others who insult faiths,” he told Harapan Daily shortly after arriving from abroad, last night.

Elaborating further, Rayer gave an example.

“Buddhists and Hindus do not eat beef. And yet they are frequently in a situation where they are served with that meat.

“Having a hotline would be helpful so that people are made aware of each others’ sensitivities.”

National unity minister Aaron anak Dagang had turned down the proposal to set up a 24 hour hotline to cater to complaints on insults to faiths other than Islam as what the Islamic development department had done, said minister Aaron Anak Dagang.

The proposal was made by Tuaran MP William Madius Tangau.

Aaron claimed the ministry has in place e-Sepakat system and community mediators to arrest such issues.

Call a spade, a spade, Aaron

Aaron’s explanation was rebutted by political scientist, James Chin who told Aaron to call a spade, a spade.

“Just call the spade what it is. You are unable to address legitimate complaints against one particular religion, which is why you are unable to establish a hotline,” said James Chin of Tasmania University, Australia.

“It is common knowledge that just one religion is supported and safeguarded. It would be best if there was no hotline so you wouldn’t have to deal with this problem because you are so afraid.

“This ministry is merely a window ornament, continually being eroded by identity politics (2R). Everybody knows that. That is a fact!” he said.

READ ALSO: Aaron says no to hotline for insults against non-Muslim faiths

Call a spade, a spade, Aaron