Former MP suggests four candidates to lead EC
In light of the vacancy for the position of Election Commission (EC) chair, former Bangi MP Ong Kian Ming has suggested four names.
Of the four, two are serving in the EC and the balance are well known personalities in the civil society and academia.
They are EC deputy chief Azmi Sharom, EC member Dr Mohd Faisal Hazis, former Bersih chairman Ambiga Sreenevasan, and political scientist Wong Chin Huat.
He also said that the candidates must be vetted by the Special Parliamentary Select Committee on Human Rights, Elections, and Institutional Reform before the proposal is put forth to the Agong.
He said that government must choose an EC chief wisely as the job requires one to oversee the delimitation of constituencies.
“This delimitation exercise will shape electoral politics in Malaysia for the next decade if not longer. It will influence the balance of power within and between the states of Malaysia” he said in a statement.
The new EC chairman will also have the responsibility of putting in place more processes and policies that should even the electoral playing field, regardless of who is the government of the day.
“If parliament is bypassed and the recommendation (is made) solely at the discretion of the prime minister, this would be a lost opportunity for the Madani government to showcase its reformist credentials.”
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