Framework for social media registration, regulations to be introduced

Framework for social media registration, regulations to be introduced

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) will provide a framework within a month to allow all social media platform providers to register with the agency and facilitate the regulation of such platforms in the country. Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil said MCMC needed some time to complete the framework, including gathering matters from…

COP28: World must address climate change together – Nik Nazmi

COP28: World must address climate change together – Nik Nazmi

Malaysia hopes to see countries coming together with ambitious and concrete commitments to address climate change during the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Dubai. Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Minister Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said through innovative solutions, sustainable practices, and collaborative initiatives, Malaysia…

Truce ends, war resumes in Gaza

Truce ends, war resumes in Gaza

The one day extension for truce has come to an abrupt end. Israeli Defence Forces have resumed combat operations after Hamas fired rockets at Israel. “Hamas violated the operational pause, and in addition, fired toward Israeli territory. The IDF has resumed combat against the Hamas terrorist organisation in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF is reported…

Islam-Confucianism dialogue vital towards dialogical community

Islam-Confucianism dialogue vital towards dialogical community

The idea of dialogical community is important when societies are becoming more culturally complex and intercultural relations more problematic, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. As such he said the Islam-Confucianism dialogue on enlightened leadership held today was a significant step in the right direction of advancing the idea of a dialogical community at…

More hostages, prisoners release on extended truce

More hostages, prisoners release on extended truce

Hamas freed 12 more hostages and Israel released 30 Palestinian prisoners on Tuesday, the fifth day of an extended six-day truce between the militant Palestinian group and Israel in the Gaza war. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said the 12 hostages had been transferred from Gaza, and Israel’s military confirmed that the…